Below is a list of all fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, reviews, and other content featured in Plenitude magazine in 2016.
Fall 2016
“Pencil Head,” Suzette Mayr
“Edibles,” Sarah Thankam Mathews
“Nebula,” Andréa Raymond
“The Quiet Revolution,” Reece Cochrane
“Poison Hemlock,” Penelope Evans
“Playing the Man,” Carly Rosalie Vandergriendt
“Collaboration 3,” Kay Gabriel
“your white cisgender boyfriend can’t save you from the end of the world,” Kai Cheng Thom
“What Lesbians Wear to the Mall,” Jane Byers
“Sour Beer for Bitter Hearts,” Adèle Barclay
“Star Fag,” Mitchell King
“Tenacities of Failure,” Julietta Singh
“Dania,” Fawn Parker
“Girlhood,” Nolan Natasha Pike
“The Vertigo of Eros,” Trenton Pollard
“The Word for Secrets,” Lisa Baird
“All Things Scarlet,” Carter Vance
“Everything We Broke,” Anna Swanson
“Fifteen (Lies from my Adolescent Mouth, a Selection),” Brett Josef Grubisic
“This dance is not optional,” Emily Sanford
“With, Without, With,” Betsy Warland
“Good Enough to Eat: A Review of Lucas Crawford’s Sideshow Concessions,” Sugar le Fae
“Speaking Past Whiteness: A Review of Vivek Shraya’s even this page is white,” Gwen Benaway
“Coming Home in Small Beauty,” Gwen Benaway
“Drag Noir Shines Bright,” Latonya Pennington
“Brooklyn Bruja Comes of Age in Zoraida Córdova’s Labyrinth Lost,” Latonya Pennington
“Bitter, Beautiful Medicine: A Review of Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life,” Asam Ahmad
“A Review of Joe Okonkwo’s Jazz Moon,” K. Astre
“A Review of Joshua Jennifer Espinoza’s There Should Be Flowers,” Asam Ahmad
“A Creation Story for Trans Girls: A Review of Kai Cheng Thom’s Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars,” Gwen Benaway
“Making the Ineffable Speak: A Review of Night Sky with Exit Wounds,” Asam Ahmad
“Allegories of the Now: A Review of Him, Me, Muhammad Ali,” Asam Ahmad
“Collaged Reflections on the Month of June,” Matt Loney
“Eight Tips for Writing a Thorough Book Review,” Rachna Contractor
“Character in Detail,” Suzette Mayr
“An Act of Empathy and Imagination,” interview with Jane Byers
“Finding a Voice in Creative Non-fiction,” Sierra Skye Gemma
“Approaching Identity in Poetry,” Mitchell King
“Creating Mood through Setting,” Fawn Parker
“Night Friends: An Excerpt from the Novel Candyass,” Nick Comilla
Spring 2016
“Promoted to Glory,” Christine Higdon
“From Up River and One Night Only,” Brett Josef Grubisic
“Are You Jesus?,” Ambika Thompson
Creative Non-fiction
“Nipple Clamps, Vintage Porn, and a Guide for the Naive Homosexual: History with Illustrations,” Brett Josef Grubisic
“Our Longest Point,” Greg Marshall
“Stephen Was,” Andrew Sarewitz
“I Lie on the High Line,” Lucas Crawford
“fragments from the belly of the whale,” Erin McIntosh
“What Will Sustain Us through the Winter?,” Esther McPhee
“My Masculinity,” Julian Paquette
“Meet the Author,” Meaghan Rondeau
“Naanwich Was the Last Thing,” Kayla Czaga
“She Who Kneads the Dough to Lightness,” Shelley Marie Motz
“Drinking Sasparilla Root Beer at Donner Pass, 1999,” Nat Marshik
“Limp Wrists,” John Stintzi
“A Family by Any Other Name Highlights the Value of Literary Representation,” Kennedy Ryan
“Snapshots of a Girl Coming Into Herself,” Vivek Shraya
“Lessons in Breathing While Gay: A Review of Andy Sinclair’s Breathing Lessons,” Adam Holman
“Review: Things I Heard about You,” Malaika Aleba
“Meredith Russo’s If I Was Your Girl,” Casey Plett
“God in Pink, a Fictional Contemplation on Being Queer While Muslim,” Salma Saadi
“Query Project: Cathleen With, Vancouver”
“Query Project: Rita Wong, Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories”
“Query Project: Marcus McCann, Toronto”
“Query Project: Jes Battis, Regina”
“Dagger Imprints: Tracing Impressions and Claiming Space for Queer Women,” DJ Fraser
“To Reflect and Refract the World around Us,” interview with Jia Qing Wilson-Yang
“Arsenal Pulp Press: Surviving, Thriving, and Paying Attention to Queer Voices beyond Pulp Fiction,” DJ Fraser