
Fiction Literature T. Liem


In the copy room, the machines drowned Anna out. The whirs of the photocopiers bounced between the concrete walls, their humming somehow as harsh as the fluorescent lights, halting any conversation that might begin even if just between one part of the mind and another. Professor Anderson walked in...

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Literature Poetry S.A. Leger

Are you out there?

S.A. Leger is a writer and ornithologist from Newfoundland, Canada. Her poems have recently appeared in or are forthcoming from The Hopkins Review, SWWIM, The Los Angeles Review, Conduit, and The Malahat Review. She spends her days exploring the 47th parallel with her wife and dachshund.

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Literature Poetry Sai Liuko

true at once, once

i was a [servant-god] made for [you-me]— just more [water-fire] to pour down a throat, just another bushburn [sinking-rising] [down-up] the building’s spine,……back to mirror, a [child-adult] sleeping until 12 [pm-am]……woke till the lightest dark……until until until i could the...

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Fiction Literature M. Jay Smith

A Guy Named Guy

Kevin decided to run for office. He said: Well, I guess it’s time for me to dust off my copy of Atlas Shrugged. You know, said Beta, who once had been his girlfriend but now was not, there are other books about politics that you could read. But Kevin did not want to read other books about politics...

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Literature Poetry Talicha J.

Learning A New Routine in Burlesque Class

Everything hurts. I engage muscles that have been single for so long they have cobwebs. For days, my hip twinges, my neck side-eyes me. I roll my shoulders in an attempt to calm them of their hysterics. I must say that not all fat bodies are out of shape, but this one is. And we’ve only learned 30...

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Literature Poetry Samuel Samba

To Busy One’s Fist with So Much Delight

Mistletoe ornaments a branch. the forever green of it, eaten out of season. here, birds wipe their beaks against pink sky, & the language adheres to trees. the sprigs flourish in their raging shoots. at a whim, I tapeline myself to a baobab trunk— reaching for the roundness of grapes to busy my...

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Writers' Room


Articles News

Pride Reading at the Vancouver Public Library on August 1

It’s a Pride mashup! For Vancouver Pride on August 1, Plenitude Magazine is pairing with the Vancouver Public Library for a literary reading and speed friending event! At 7pm, hear local Plenitude contributors read their poetry and prose. Readers include Shaelin Bishop, Meghan Kemp-Gee, Catherine...

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