Category - Literature

Literature Poetry Prathna Lor

There is a time for making and a time for snow

Prathna Lor   There is a time for making and a time for snow. Thinking. No one is there to hear the thinking. Staring out across river, the brownness drinks. Feeling vertiginous, candy. Slender in calling. Down out at the bottom, reeling and laughing. The fishermen float over. Cast down a...

Anna Navarro Literature Poetry


Anna Navarro   Think of the word the one that smothers your tongue on blistering days in July, is cool and sweet about it, lazes on your slack pink muscle, knows it belongs there. Think of the word and bite down on it, crush the figure of it like finger bones, force a grimace onto it until...

Literature Nolan Natasha Poetry


Nolan Natasha the word carries more in its belly than I can make you understand. that’s why I want to talk about it. it’s not just that it means one thing written in heavy books from the university press and another in your mouth as an answer and another on the stall door and another hurled from...

Fiction Literature Matthew Harris

Making the Night

Matthew Harris I’m meeting Francisco tonight, and that’s when I’ll finally have my moment. I finished at the coffee shop at five. Afterwards, I ran into Celeste at the LCBO. Celeste is tall and always busy—you’re lucky if she pays attention to you. “Hey Fag,” she said, rushing up to kiss my cheek...

Ami Sands Brodoff Fiction Literature

The Arrangement

Ami Sands Brodoff Fact or Myth In fertile cervical liquid, sperm can live up to five days Natalie and Rachel huddled together doing their happy dance, splashing strangers as they sang “Ring Around the Rosy,” as if they were kids, while I leaned against the edge of the rooftop heated...

Fiction Georgina Beaty Literature


Georgina Beaty   [mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]E[/mks_dropcap]veryone was in the middle of a game when Yvonne walked in, an hour late to her own baby shower. The living room was crowded with Lindy’s...

Literature Lynne Sargent Poetry

Pointed Needs

Lynne Sargent   I grind your cum into the corner of the mattress before sealing my whole sodden thing with my underwear. Grind because my body remembers yours beneath it. It is still primed for pleasure. Cum because it is the orgasmic that is of importance. Not reproduction, not shame. Into...

Fiction Glen Huser Literature

Coffee Boys

Glen Huser   [mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]W[/mks_dropcap]hen the Laundromat that anchored the west corner of his high rise was transformed into a coffee shop, Adam celebrated by inviting his two...

Literature N. Page Poetry

Degrowth Chart

N. Page   Shear my hair to its roots, ‘til I’m bare. I’m ready to reset, to begin again as whoever I was three years before. Shampoo intruded on my eyes too often anyway, and pomade was stubborn, took hours to wash away. My clothes started to bully me. My kicks kicked back. The jewellery...

Literature Minying Huang Poetry

nirvana in pyjamas

Minying Huang   lăo lao sits in lotus position on the bed, the end of the world in her belly. she is curiously absent in the room, looks the eternal to my fidget. Yíng Yíng twiddles her thumbs to shake the absence off the covers but still she will not budge. listen, kid, to time as it...

Alex Leslie Fiction Literature

Excerpt: We All Need to Eat

Alex Leslie   We All Need to Eat (Book*hug, 2018) is a collection of linked stories from award-winning author Alex Leslie that revolves around Soma, a young queer woman in Vancouver. Through thoughtful and probing narratives, each story chronicles a sea change in Soma’s life. Lyrical, gritty...

Literature Maggie Burton Poetry


Maggie Burton   Through hinged-open double hung windows, the house winked at us, saw us holding hands when no one was allowed to see. Keeping our secrets, they kept out nothing else. The wind knew no limits. Would’ve been easy, you supposed, to figure out insulation, to heat tall ceilings...

Isabella Wang Literature Poetry

It’s Been Weeks of Forest Fires

Isabella Wang   It’s been weeks without a poem and you wonder how you are still getting invited to readings. Haven’t they figured you out by now? You bring the same year-old poems and read until words that hurt like the thorns of a blackberry bush lose meaning. Outside, sunflowers bobble...

Cat Friesen Literature Poetry

Trump Narrates Our Breakup

Cat Friesen    Found poem using an interview with Trump If you remember, you were going down, choking on control like never before; it was only going to get worse. You announced the building of walls, cutting all the things you’ve done into thousands of neat negotiations. You were strangled by...

Kegan McFadden Literature Poetry

on our first date

Kegan McFadden   he got a nosebleed , and as a counter- measure sneezed onto the bouquet of white daisies he’d bought on his walk to the Italian restaurant , confusing the real point of the story— spring was in the air.   Originally from Winnipeg, writer/curator/artist Kegan McFadden now...

Literature Poetry Triny Finlay

Advice to the Mentally Ill from the Queen Bee

Triny Finlay You should relax. Come back to my hive. I’ll make us some toast. Ignore the droning around you— those losers don’t know what they’re missing. Don’t worry, I’ve been there too. Once. I was seventeen—young and gorgeous—but no one believed I could be Queen. It sent me to a dark place. Lie...

Ben Rawluk Fiction Literature

Plague Boy

Ben Rawluk   [mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]P[/mks_dropcap]lague Boy shows up to the walk-in clinic on Davie fifteen minutes before it opens and there’s already a line all the way to the entrance of...

Literature Poetry Sugar le Fae

A Body in the Dark

Sugar le Fae   I’m too many men’s maybe if their girlfriend leaves them. I look like a man. By every metric, I am. I never thought I wasn’t, but I’m not. Everybody knows, who talks to or watches me walk or gesture. Even in my boy clothes. So, I’m genderqueer. Because trans-feminine with no...

Jennie Chantal Duguay Literature Poetry

Learning How to Be Sick

Jennie Chantal Duguay   The crows have their routine, I have mine. For five hundred days they cross the path of my body. Horizontal in bed I watch dusk drape a thousand black wings in threads of gold or silver. How high or low they fly, how playful or solemn, the volume of their company all...

Kyla Jamieson Literature Poetry

Dear Kayla

Kyla Jamieson   In all my nightmares I’m a model again, on set trying not to eat or lose my mind. When my body was my product I always felt almost run out, like one day I’d wake up and none of me would be left. At eighteen my agent told me vodka shots and splenda and sent me to Sydney to turn...

Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch Literature Poetry

yt people think i’m yt like

Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch i. yt ppl think i’m yt like it’s a compliment brown ppl think i’m yt as though it’s a shame i didn’t turn out less gay tackled on both ends when the yt woman on the metro stares at me with plz die eyes before she gets off at laurier while brown ppl in the middle east...

Jory Mickelson Literature Poetry


Jory Mickelson   Often, day goes sweetly as a bird returning to the branch it loves most to watch the waters of the lake on lazy afternoons. Say the tree is a shade oak. Say the bird’s not a bird at all, but a boy who’s learned to keep his wings. He spends his few hours crossing water from one...

Dominik Parisien Literature Poetry


Dominik Parisien   I learned jealousy reading of a boy who kissed a wall. Oliver kissed here scribbled on the brick. I knew, then, love was breathing yourself into another; how boys feared getting caught losing themselves through their lips. And here was Oliver, who could have carried me with...

Literature Poetry Sara Patterson

All you can eat oyster bar.

Sara Patterson   You tell me to wash. We fuck the bathroom raw. Elizabeth Bathory, I bathe for you. If I deep clean my face with uterine lining will I be young enough? Blonde enough? I drink Diet Coke. Like horse piss, it removes blood stains. Mary Tudor, that rust haired cancer ridden monarch...

Erin Vance Literature Poetry

Evernia Prunastri

Erin Vance   The blackened ear is the third fantastical bit the turpentine bark and the spritz, the oil drip ache to sit on the crumbling steps of the ruined pitch hidden slick, fallen sick, skin flakes black, like the ear scraped into the lichenous foot of the Styrofoam forest floor not the...

Erin Kirsh Literature Poetry

After Leonard Cohen

Erin Kirsh   Everyone’s a philosopher and I miss comedians. Everyone’s got a theory and I got a headache. The selected world lives in a device that lives in my pocket with all the other change. It’s gathering lint. It’s tearing my jeans. It’s cutting my hand when I try to tuck one in for...

Ian Martin Literature Poetry

a fear of fireworks

Ian Martin   that i will die better than i exist that i cannot own desire as i exude it, let it go unabated into excess that my entrails interpreted will be used against me, someone else that i was defined against the sky tonight, nothing more   Ian Martin is an inimitable buffoon and...

Literature Poetry Robert Carr

Digesting Results

Robert Carr   The power of a woman’s secret is sometimes found in light through a small glass of orange juice. Breakfast on the table long after she’s dead. Sitting at the Formica nook, papers strewn from 23andMe, I wipe strayed fruit pulp from my beard. On the pie chart of family history –...

Literature Poetry Sadie McCarney


Sadie McCarney   and this airplane’s the size of an aphid who’ll prey on the fresh condos of suburban Boston; 13 and I’m wearing my too-big jeans, stinky and inked over in ballpoint pen; 13 and my suitcase is packed with Nair and tarot I pretend I can use; 13 and I predict her hair will...

Joe Bishop Literature Poetry

Father’s Day

Joe Bishop I haul on his rubber boots, pack tackle box aboard, part glinting pond on which my old man taught me how to skate. My grown hands recoil, recalling numb, small fingers tighten laces to his standard. This morning suns knuckles. I bait hook, cast lured line, scratch what will be beard...

Literature Poetry Roxanna Bennett


Roxanna Bennett   My father sticks in my throat a black clot I won’t swallow     a stone swan sycamore My father is a story I am stuck in to rot a weather worn red boat on a rough river My father stones the moat w lapis lazuli drowns my medicine Buddha in red river My father is a...

Literature Poetry Rachael Jordan


Rachael Jordan   ­ 1. She bleeds scents and shows me with a knife. She scrapes the blade down the inside of her arm, a single red line sprouting from the touch. After a moment, burnt orange surrounds, creeps into the pores of my body. Lifting her shirt, she takes the knife and draws a triangle...

Literature Poetry Tiana Lavrova

Geomorphological Word Salad

Tiana Lavrova   Intracortical robed gymnosperm’s with the pH balanced mereology of a lobular, meta-magical gardener snake flaring like a brazen-bull in a bleached, patternless (no arithmetic progression), Starry Night tuxedo with the fabric of a Granny Smith fruit pouring its xylem in...

C.E. Gatchalian Creative Non-fiction Literature

On A Streetcar Named Desire

C. E. Gatchalian In short, I woke up and began feeling, if not yet living, outside my head. That’s what happened when I first encountered A Streetcar Named Desire. May 5, 1987 Spent seven hours again today practising. After not a single first-place finish at the festival I must do everything to...

Lindsay Miles Literature Poetry


Lindsay Miles   One hundred percent recycled material. Conversations about purity. My god you are beautiful. A copy of a copy of a copy of a. Family receives a shipment of fruit and other things that have to happen now. Today is suitably warm. In the beginning there were multiple trees. It’s...

Anthony DiPietro Literature Poetry

Grindr User Agreement

Anthony DiPietro   If a user asks what clothes and pose you want him ready in when you step across his threshold— ass up, naked, like his photo?—do not mistake his kindness for philanthropy. You may, on recognition of false statements or visual representations— his profile pic’s not him, or...

Literature Poetry Sara Bess


Sara Bess   I am the only one here with all my fingers. My boss is impressed with this and the fact that I have never shot myself with a nail gun, though I am afraid of the loud noises of the air compressor of the dust and the splinters. I am careful with my hands. By Friday my mucus is dark...

Literature mwpm Poetry


mwpm   the first sets the standard & everything that follows can only hope to be an approximation ◊ ◊ ◊ the sun off the mirror looked like a butterfly aflame i wanted to put out the flame & the sun with it ◊ ◊ ◊ you lit you r cigar ette i got burnt in the bargain ◊ ◊ ◊ all i ask is you...

Amy LeBlanc Literature Poetry

This is about someone else

Amy LeBlanc   Twenty minutes ago he slipped on ice, cracked his head open and fell asleep in my lap. He used to help me scrub the dryer lint off my palms and scrape the freezer burn from my forehead. He pulled at his milk teeth while we watched figure skaters without the volume on. He said...

Literature Matt Broomfield Poetry

all orphans of the bushmeat trade

Matt Broomfield   Q: have you had unprotected anal sex with a man in the last 72 hours? A: i have fed a dying gorilla peanut butter in a strip-lit hallway.   Q: were you the receptive partner? now he is suspended between us. technicians dress and jug him, though he is still living...