Category - Reviews

Andrea Routley Articles Reviews

Friend. Follow. Text.: Read. Reflect. Review

Shawn Syms, Editor, Friend. Follow. Text. (Enfield & Wizenty, 2013). Paperback, 296 pp., $19.95 Reviewed by Andrea Routley In Friend. Follow. Text., editor Shawn Syms offers a comprehensive exploration of all things online. Through 27 short stories, ranging from new writers to award winners...

Articles DJ Fraser Reviews

Vancouver’s Litany reading thrills audience

This review posted with permission from Coastal Spectator. Litany Reading Series Gallery Gachet,  Vancouver Sunday, April 7 Reviewed by Dorothy June Fraser The first Litany Reading of the year (back in January) was so well-attended it almost burst the small comfy surroundings of the Rhizome Cafe on...