Thanks to the generous donors to our recent fundraiser, Plenitude is thrilled to announce that we are increasing our writer honoraria, effective immediately. For fiction, non-fiction, reviews, and articles, we now offer $60; for a poem, we offer $25.
We are committed to paying our writers for their work. It is impossible to cultivate arts and literature, to support authors and artists, or to amplify marginalized voices without offering compensation for the time and labour that go into the production of cultural works. It isn’t always easy to balance the books at a literary magazine; we rely on volunteer labour, in-kind donations, and the patience and understanding of our contributors, whom we wish we could pay what they’re really worth (that is, all the love and money in the world). We’re so grateful to our donors and to the Canada Council for the Arts, who enable us to pay our writers at all.
We are, as always, seeking submissions of literary fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, and novel excerpts. We encourage Black and Indigenous writers and writers of colour to send in work.