David Ly Literature Poetry

Dragon Hunting

The Hunter’s Moon reaches
bloody illumination tonight

obliviously obscuring
what would be my first

glimpse of the Draconids.
I’ve yet to witness

a meteor shower which is
to say my blood still burns

from when I saw a star fall
by chance years ago

and didn’t make a wish—
how dare the moon rise

outshining Draconic glows
with no light of its own,

being muse to other poets
but preventing my words

about fast-flying wonders
in Draco to take full flight,

sending them back
into my hands, wings duller

in pearlescence: this moon
insists I wax poetic about it

being a perfect crimson pearl
but I stand steadfast

with equal desire to capture
my Draconids,

an incessantly patient hunter
against the moon.


David Ly is the author of Mythical Man (2020) and Dream of Me as Water (2022), both published under the Anstruther Books imprint of Palimpsest Press, and short-listed for the 2021 and 2023 ReLit Poetry Awards, respectively. He is also co-editor (with Daniel Zomparelli) of Queer Little Nightmares: An Anthology of Monstrous Fiction and Poetry (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2022). David’s poems have appeared in publications such as Arc Poetry Magazine, Best Canadian PoetryPRISM International, and The Ex-Puritan, where he won the inaugural Austin Clarke Prize in Literary Excellence. David is the Poetry Editor at This Magazine.