David Ishaya Osu Literature Poetry


David Ishaya Osu

both tomorrow
and the tomato

will ripen into
a song / no song

is through
with your body

cry outside
your robe

will know
why we laugh

the boy and
his ball

inside, too

i am too big
for a ghost

faces the mirror

and then says
no, no, no


David Ishaya Osu is a poet, memoirist, street photographer and wanderer. His work has appeared in Magma Poetry, The Griffith Review, The Oxford Review of Books, and other places. David has an MA in Creative Writing (with distinction) from the University of Kent, and is the author of the poetry chapbook, When I’m Eighteen (2020).

1 Comment

  • I can see memory playing jokes on us all when tomorrow ripens and left us marvelling at how today has really been clownish!!! Nice piece, great work to both editor and poet!!!